Event Info - Finish Line Festival

JetBlue Airways Finish Festival


Athletes, families, friends, volunteers and spectators can enjoy a wide range of activities and services at the JetBlue Airways Finish Festival. All finishing triathletes will receive a commemorative Nation’s Triathlon Finishers medal, food, and complimentary post race massage.

The JetBlue Airways Finish Festival is located immediately past the finish line and will be open from 8:30 am - 3:00 pm. Family, friends and spectators are welcome here to cheer as triathletes cross the finish line. The first competitor is estimated to cross the finish line at 8:50 am so don’t miss a chance to cheer the winner on!


The JetBlue Airways Finish Festival activities include:

  • Massage
  • VIP Tent
  • Exhibitors
  • Awards Ceremony

Team in Training
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Helpful Resources

  • Destination D.C.
  • D.C. Weather Information
  • USAT - USA Triathlon
  • Find us on Facebook
  • DC Triathlon Club